
The Future of Food
Wednesday, August 20
$15.00-Early Registration Suggested
Cultural Center of Cape Cod
307 Old Main Street, South Yarmouth
(Just off of Route 28)

Please consider attending an important documentary film and discussion which describes the negative effects of corporate domination of our food supply. Deborah Koons Garcia examines these disturbing issues during a comprehensive evening program designed to inform and empower you, the consumer. Chosen by the Oscar Screening Committee as one of the best documentaries of 2004, this is the first major film to cover the rise of unlabelled, genetically engineered foods, and the complex implications of untested crops on the environment and on consumers. (Garcia's other film credits include Grateful Dawg, a documentary featuring her late husband, Jerry Garcia, of The Grateful Dead.)

The evening's program:
5:00 - 6:15 pm: Screening of "The Future of Food" 6:15 -7:00 pm: Refreshments
7:00 - 8:30 pm: Presentation by
    Deborah Koons Garcia
8:30 - 9:00 pm: Questions and Answer Session

Send a check for $15 to: Dorothy Torrey, 4 Fort Hill Road, E. Sandwich, MA 02537 Include your telephone number and email address. Questions: Dorothy Torrey at 508-888-6677 or email:


May today there be peace within.
May you trust your highest power that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.

May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content knowing that you are a child of the Universe. Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of you . . .

                             — Author Unknown

Success Strategies for Creative Souls:

Subtract Negative Thinking
by Gail McMeekin

EVERY TIME WE TURN ON the TV or read news online, we are bombarded with negatives about the economy—-home sales are down, gas prices are up, consumers are spending less, and so on. Yes, people are feeling squeezed, yet many people are still prospering and growing their businesses and starting new initiatives.

All of us know people who always have a negative spin on things and belong to the “ain’t it awful club” and they are on a roll these days as well. Then there are our own fears and limitations that can spark a negative litany of grim thoughts in our own heads too.

There may be unresolved confidence issues, old family scripts, or tough times personally. All of these stimuli can rob us of our creative ideas of possibility and promise. If our head is too filled with negative talk, there is not room enough for the exploration of our fascinations, creative experiments, new relationships, and adventures. While we need to deal with the realities of our lives, we need a sacred space in our mind that fertilizes creative thoughts and positive thinking.

So how do we protect ourselves? We must be vigilant about subtracting negative influences and replacing them with positive life choices and growth enhancing thoughts. Therefore we need strong filters to sift through the media downers and the people who want to play in a negative space. Here are some strategies to help:

1) Collect positive words and quotations and read them regularly.

2) Make a treasure map of what you want to create in your life--be as specific and visual as possible about what kinds of clients you want, relationships you want, experiences you want. Post it where you can meditate on it daily.

3) Practice a technique called “thought stopping”—when you get a negative thought you don’t want, erase it from your mind. This takes practice but works. Replace it with a pro-active thought that supports your vision of life.

4) Avoid negative people and news whenever you can. Meditate daily on your connection to the planet and all the people on Earth and the goodness in the world.

5) Lastly, put your energy into changing what you can in your life and the lives of others. Focus on improving things and making a contribution of your creative presence in the world. Join the folks who believe they can institute positive change in the world and don’t waste their valuable time focusing on the negative. You can subtract the negative from your life by actively solving your problems and the problems of others with passion and integrity and joy.

Creativity Conference
I teach Success Strategies for the Creativity Coaching Association, which I just love doing. This October 4-5, Beverly Down, President and CEO of the Creativity Coaching Association, has set up a fabulous conference in lovely Lake George, New York with the theme of “Creativity: Let it Be Life.” The conference has two tracks: Creative Pursuits and Creativity Coaching and is open to all who want to spark their creativity in the arts, professional development, spirituality, or family life. Speakers include Beverly, Eric Maisel, and Quinn McDonald as well as nine special workshops. It will be a great event! For more information and to register go to:

Gail McMeekin is an executive/career/creativity/life choices coach and the author of
The 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women, The Power of Positive Choices, and a new e-book called Boost Your Creativity, Productivity, and Profits in 21 Steps. She divides her time between her homes in Orleans and Boston. Sign up for the e-zine Creative Success
(617) 323-1442
| Copyright, 2008 | CreativeSuccess, LLC.


Open Your Heart Chakra

WE HAVE SEVEN CHAKRAS, or energy centers, located along the axis of our spines. Each of the seven chakras is associated with a sound vibration and a color. In this exercise, we will focus on opening our heart or Anahata chakra, located in the center of the chest. This is the chakra of love, compassion, peace, and acceptance. The sound vibration associated with the heart chakra is "yum" and the color is a vibrant emerald green.
Begin by closing your eyes and focusing on your heart. Visualize a beautiful green light that nurtures and bathes your heart in pure love. Take a deep breath, and on the exhalation, say "yuummmm" aloud in one long syllable.
Feel the sound vibration in your body and notice the energy flowing effortlessly from the base of your spine through your heart chakra. Continue breathing deeply and repeat the sound yum on each exhalation until you feel infused with a feeling of peace and safety.

"You do not have to be good.
You do not have to walk on your knees
for a hundred miles through the desert repenting.
You only have to let the soft animal of your body
love what it loves."
               — Mary Oliver

Seeing Through the Veil

An Evening of Transfiguration

with Medium
Lynne Delaney

Friday September 19th , 7 - 9 pm
Held in Brewster — Call for directions

Come and join Spirit during this special evening of transfiguration. Open your minds and your hearts to the miracle of working with the many faces of Spirit. This connection brings through mainly Spirit Guides and Spirit Animals, but it is always a surprise as to who may want to visit at the time. Feel, hear and see into the world of energy and love.

6 person maximum    E-mail or call for information/reservations

(508) 241-3048
$25 First Time / $15 Recurring Sessions


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P. O. Box 720, North Eastham, Cape Cod, MA 02651 | Telephone: (508) 255-5084

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